[BlogEntry] Bad Business

The other day I had to stop by the local Rite Aid to pick up a prescription for the kids. Right on the front door, though, there is a handwritten sign that says "Pharmacy closed until 2pm, sorry for any inconvenence." Inside door I notice the same sign, "Closed until 2pm, sorry for any inconvience."

A lady has just come out of the store and sees me reading. "Their branch across town is filling orders," she tells me. "In case you need something in an emergency they said you can go over there."

"No, it's not that," I tell her, "I'm just trying to decide if I should be worried that I buy drugs from people who don't know how to spell inconvenience."

[BlogEntry] Dancing with the Stars : Starring Hillary Clinton?

TVSquad is reporting that Hillary got an invite to Dancing With The Stars. Seems that she said on The Tyra Banks Show that she'd like to compete on the show "if paired with one of those really good partners" (kinda like how she's competing for the White House, apparently…) The show heard this and wasted no time in saying "Come visit the tour and you can dance with whoever you want." No word on her response yet.

[BlogEntry] It's cool when this happens

Over the weekend I'm driving through the center of town and pass by the church that has a little coffeehouse sort of thing going in the basement. "Tonight!" the sign proclaims, "Maeve, at 8pm."


As I'm driving by, the podcast I'm listening to – a novel called Shadowmagic — they begin speaking of a character called, and I'm not kidding, "Maeve."

Cue spooky music!

The podcast is about Irish mythology, so I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the band playing in the basement of the church was Irish, too.

[BlogEntry] Politics, in my house

3yr old: "Dorothy Quinlan is the president!"

5yr old: "Hillary Clinton, and she's not the president yet, because if she was Daddy said we have to move to California."

Me: "Canada, sweetheart."

[BlogEntry] You know you're a parent when…

…you're watching Lipstick Jungle, a new tv show clearly setup to be a sort of "Sex and the City for married women" sort of thing. And, there's a climactic scene where the stay at home dad is expressing his frustration at his movie producer wife and says something to the effect of, "You're the one at the big celebrity parties and I'm the one at home getting my name on the pre-order list for Happy Feet Part Two"…

…and your first thought is, "Wait, there's a sequel? When's that coming out?"


[BlogEntry] How's that for coincidence?

So the other day we got a letter. Odd in that it looked like a Christmas card. But even stranger in that there were three "mistakes" on the address – our name was off by one letter (Moran instead of Morin), the street was one over from us, and the street number was one digit off (12 instead of 123). So a card originally sent to the Morans at 12 East, somebody had fixed it to go to the Morins at 123 South.

Here's the thing, though. Ready for this? We *know* the Morans at 12 East. My wife has playgroup with them. So she brought the card over to them and said "I think this is yours." Sure enough it was a lost Christmas card. Some well meaning postman, at best guess, had said "Wait, I know the Morin name, they're one street over. I'll just go ahead and fix this."

[Comment] Re: Uncle Bob?

Are you sure there is no relation? I see a strong resemblance. 😉

[BlogEntry] Uncle Bob?

Via BoingBoing.net comes this great mugshot of one Robert Morin, of Maine.

Of course it's not my real Uncle Bob of Maine(though I do have one), but how could I not post this? 🙂

[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

oh my goodness chris just rock with this song,it's amazing, truly amazing

[Comment] Re: Abilify : They're Kidding, Right?

Took one dose before bed for anxiety. Woke up feeling sick as a dog, muscle pain, feverish, light-headed, nausea (like a hangover), and have been getting better slowly over 3 days (4 sleepless nights). Well, can't say they didn't warn me!