Entries from April 2009 ↓
April 17th, 2009 — Uncategorized
So my oldest, who is in first grade, was asked at school “Who knows what their Mommy or Daddy does for work?”
Her hand shot up. “Make money!” she said.
I’m sure it got quite a laugh, but she didn’t intend it that way and didn’t understand what was funny. That’s how we’ve always said it in the house, ever since they were little – “Daddy’s off to go make money.” So we explained to her that everybody “works” to “make money”, but that doesn’t mean we actually create the physical money, it just means that people give us money to do stuff so we then come home and give that money to Mommy to spend. 🙂
April 10th, 2009 — Uncategorized
The other day I’m called in to the bathroom where my almost 3yr old son points out something on the rug. Turns out it is a piece of hardened toothpaste. I begin digging at it with my fingernail.
“How about the nail clippies?” he asks.
Smart kid. I take the nail clippers (which are conveniently right on the edge of the bathroom sink, right in front of me), and clip out the offending gunk. “Great idea!” I tell my son. “High five!”
After delivering the necessary high five he says, just as nonchalantly, “You missed some.”