[BlogEntry] Tiger Attack

Police looking for signs that tiger was taunted.

Oh. They're looking for signs that the tiger who jumped out of its pen and started killing people was taunted.

Here's an idea. There are two survivors, who by all accounts are being "uncooperative" and will not say what happened. If that's not a sign that the tiger was taunted, I don't know what is.

What I can't understand is the conversation that went on between them. "Dude, it *ate* Carlos! We gotta say something!"

"Shut up, we'll get in trouble!"

"Aww, man, you're right! Sorry Carlos!"

[BlogEntry] A Trip To 3yr Old Land

"Daddy, why did the frog in Shrek die?"

"Because he was old and sick."

"Yes but why did he die?"

"Sometimes frogs just die, sweetie."

"No they don't."

"Yes, believe me, they do."

"I'm gonna call Gabrielle and ask her." (hand goes up to ear) "Hello, Gabrielle? Do frogs just die? Thanks." (click) "Gabrielle says frogs don't die."

Gabrielle, for those not in the loop, refers to the character from High School Musical.

While I'm here, have a different story: The other day I caught her speaking to her hair ribbon. "Stop it," she says to the ribbon, quietly.

"Are you talking to your ribbon, sweetie?" I ask.

"It's being mean to me," she says. This is her generic statement that means something has not gone her way.

"And….is the ribbon talking back to you?" I ask, not sure of the answer I'm going to get.


"What does it say?" I ask, wondering which doctor I call for this.

"It says," she tells me, in the same whisper she's been using, "I'm pretend."

I hate being owned by my 3yr old.

[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My Night to Remember

Scrubs is the shit, because of the randomocity. The chemistry between Zach Braff, Donald Faison , Judy Reyes, Sarah Chalke, John C. McGinley, and Ken Jenkins is amazing. Billl Lawrence has taken his stand up comedy routine to new heights.

[Comment] Re: Scrubs Quotes : My Long Goodbye

i love: "my mum had a uterus. I lived in it"

I thought that this was a sad episode and i cried when carla talks to laverne at the end.

[Comment] Re: Where can you get those stroller "stand and ride" attachments?

the sell them everywhere in the US…Google…Lascal Buggy Board

[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

i love this song.

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

wer to get the karaoke of this song ?

[Comment] Re: Scrubs Season Six Premiere Quotes: My Mirror Image

you will find the song guy love on Bearshare

[Comment] Re: Build Your Own Santa Myth

get some one you know to come in and wake them and put presents is what i do

ps: they need to be like "santa"

[BlogEntry] Build Your Own Santa Myth

Oh, Christmas. I look forward to having smart kids. I also don't like lying to my kids – I'm bad at it. So Christmas the whole Santa Claus thing is going to prove interesting. As the years go by and various events come and go, we're forming our own set of rules that explain how Santa does what he does:

  • "How come Santa brought me some stuff that's not on my list, but he didn't bring me some things that are on my list?" Got that question last year. Answer – because Santa always brings three things – *some* stuff from your list, *some* stuff you *need*, and some stuff he *thinks* you might like. This seems to have gone over very well, to the point where my daughter spotted a toy on tv the other day and told me, "Even though I already mailed my list, maybe Santa will think I'd like that."
  • "That lady is not Mrs. Claus, you can see the wig." Just happened this weekend, as our daughter almost ruined the fun for her little friends at a tea party. Answer – You know, you might be right, it might be somebody in a wig. But I'll tell you a secret? Sometimes it's the *real* one. They come down in disguise and hang out sometimes too, you know. You didn't? Oh, absolutely, that's part of the fun. You just never know.
  • "The kids at school say they don't believe in Santa Claus and they still get presents." Answer – Well, sure, you get *some* presents from your Mom and Dad and friends and relatives. But you don't get Santa presents, now do you? That's how Santa does so many houses in one night, he gets to skip the houses of kids who say they don't believe in him.
  • This one is not mine, but have you heard that the new thing is to put the milk and cookies in a "to go" bag for Santa? Helps him keep in schedule, you see – he eats them on the way to the next house.

It should be fun watching as the rules change over the years. With a 5, 3 and 1.5 yr old they'll all be at different stages of believing as time goes by and we'll be able to enlist the older ones in helping the younger ones.