[BlogEntry] Dancing with the Stars Oct 9, 2007 Week #3 Results : Who Got Kicked Off?

The results show has become such a pattern it's almost no fun to blog it anymore. They stretch it too far, and then just shove in a bunch of canned acts. This time we have Seal, who does "Kissed By A Rose" first while two professionals we don't know (I hate that, as I've mentioned) dance what is actually quite a nice number. Later he comes back, complete with backup dancers and playing his own guitar, to do the token song from his new album. Reminded me of Prince for some reason.

Then we have the obligatory ABC/Disney promotional segment, as Billy Ray Cyrus and his daughter come out to sing. Unlike a Drew Lachey who really seems to have embraced the show and makes regular appearances, Billy Ray pretty much never took his eyes off the microphone. He came, he sang, he left.

The only real suspense in the results show is who will be in the bottom two. Since the results are in no particular order, does it really matter at all who is safe first? Of course not. I would expect Wayne and Mark to be the lowest this week. Once you're down there, it's hard to fight out of it. But I'm surprised to see not Mark but Floyd the boxer. He's a classic case of not warming up to the audience. He thinks that if he concentrates hard enough and works on it and really puts everything he's got into it, he'll do well, and that's not how it works – at all. If you looked mad when you lose, the audience will drop off for you. Maybe his overhyping of his pay-per-view event had something to do with it? Who knows.

Doesn't matter, as Wayne goes home. His whole presence was entirely awkward, and I think Cheryl the two time champ knew it. She even had some comment in one of the segments about how during the complicated maneuvers she'd spin them so that she was closest to the judges. Nice. Even in the backstage segment Drew hit her with a question like "What character are you going to have Wayne in next week?" and she launched into what was clearly a pre-scripted speech about how wonderful of a guy he is. That made no sense.

Paso Doble next week, and I'll already make the prediction that Julianne (the champ) and Helio (race car man) get the highest score. Something about their style, combined with her choreography in what is a very character driven dance.

[BlogEntry] Biggest Loser 10/9/2007 : Jamaica

Last week they teased that the campus would be closing for a week, and I speculated that the contestants would have to live out in the real world and see what they've learned.

Almost. They actually all got a trip to a Jamaican resort, with their trainers. So it wasn't quite "real world", but the idea was still the same – deny the temptations, find some time to exercise, that sort of thing.

Jillian continued to beat on her team, taking them to a beach section to continue working in the sand (something they did during their first hidden weeks in the desert). Bob went the other way, and had some nice quality yoga time with his team. Kim may have had the best idea of all, getting her team in the pool. Nothing like working a large number of muscle groups while still giving the team the feeling that they get to relax.

The interesting philosophical question, though, came regarding the temptations. Jillian watched over her team like a hawk, telling them exactly what to eat and yelling at one of the players (Jez? is that how you spell it?) for even thinking about taking a drink. Her attitude was, "My goal is to keep all of my team here, you have the rest of your lives to drink. If you can't fight temptation for one week how are you ever going to do it in the real world?" Bob had a similar philosophy, though we did not see as much of it. Kim, however, went the opposite way – "You're adults, and if you want to drink, go ahead."

The challenge had the teams sitting out on a big raft and then one by one pulling themselves and each other back to shore. This one wasn't even close, as the black team made it all the way (on the shoulders of the little short twins with the low center of gravity), and the red and blue teams never even made it off the starting raft.

That's the only good news for black, however, as they come up the shortest in the weigh-in. This time it's actually red that wins the whole thing, so I think that pool strategy paid off. The team says that Jillian is visibly upset, but I think she's more upset at what she considers a personal defeat, rather than a sadness for whoever goes home. At this point the black team gets ugly, and the women immediately start scheming to break up the twins. "I don't want to go home, I can't do this by myself" one of them keeps saying. So Jim goes home. And in the "where are they now" segment he's lost so much weigh he looks like he might be sick, honestly. If I read the graphic right, he's lost a total of 123 pounds? And he did not start out as a big 400lb guy.

Next week…well, who cares. Blah blah, trainer goes over the line…they always sensationalize so we'll watch, but it's never really all that exciting.

[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My Night to Remember

The thing about Dr. Cox being bald is that it was simply shot out of sequence. As we learned, he shaved his head when Laverne died. It was just a weird production thing, that at the time stood out like a sore thumb.

[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My Night to Remember

I downloaded "walking next to you" by Acres in the itunes store. I didn't search for "diner"

[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My Night to Remember

In the clip with Brendan Fraser's ghost, JD was there..behind Dr. Cox and saw him talking to the air. And obviously, he must've picked up on the fact Cox was still going through denial over the death of his best friend.

For Cox being bald, in the episode when he's first bald it's mentioned a few times. Like Kelso comparing him to Lex Luthor.

Also, I agree the 'animal parts' scene was pretty lame, but as you pointed out- this episode was just a time-filler apparently.

[Comment] Re: Scrubs Quotes : My Scrubs

love the quotes!!
i think that the thing about laverne souting out her name might have had something to do with the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, but i'm not sure.

[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My Night to Remember

anyone know anywhere to get diner and walking next to you, as i have winter already…

[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My Night to Remember

i googled myself here as well lookin for that song from the funeral….I LOVE SCRUBS! yeeeEEEE!!! lol…the person way above ^^^ needs to quit hatin on my show!! lol…you have to watch every episode in order to understand whats coming next u retard! its called a fuckckkkin serieess duhh…

[BlogEntry] America's New Hero? Veteran Cuts Down Mexican Flag

There's a story in the news today about an army veteran who, on camera for the local news, cut down a Mexican flag that was illegally being flown above a US flag. Quote: "I'm Jim Brossert and I took this flag down in honor of my country with a knife from the United States army. I'm a veteran, I am not going to see this done to my country. if they want to fight us, then they need to be men, and they need to come and fight us, but I want somebody to fight me for this flag. They're not going to get it back." What he actually stole was their American flag, leaving the Mexican one on the ground.

And if you only read that part of the story, you should well be thinking "Amen, Brother. Now there's a real patriot, drive those illegals back across the border where they belong!"

Only thing, though, is that the store owner is in fact an American citizen, and had no idea that it was illegal to do what he was doing. Apparently nobody bothered to ask him to take it down, they just went for the news story. Still the right thing to do, ya think? A bit of an overreaction?

So now what you've got is a guy without enough knowledge of the situation who took it upon himself to steal another citizen's property, and getting on the news for it – as the good guy. That's patriotism?

[BlogEntry] Reality Stars Beat The Crap Out Of Each Other

In this corner we have Danny Bonaduce, who people of my age will remember as the little redhaired kid on the Patridge Family and who people of this generation will know as a raging alcoholic with violent tendencies. And in the other corner we have Johnny Fairplay, a man so annoying he makes the Dalai Lama want to punch him in the face. Fairplay's only contribution to society thus far was to trick the producers of Survivor Season 2 (it's in season 9 currently – that was 7 years ago people!) that his grandmother had died. He's basically been hanging around ever since.

It's probably worth mentioning that Danny, the guy with known violent tendencies? Is a trained martial artist. And Johnny, at half his size, basically stays on camera by being annoying.

So,guess who'd win in a fight?

Here's the context. Fairplay is on stage at some reality awards show, and people are booing. Danny wanders on stage, apparently because "someone in a headset" told him to, and says "They're booing you because they hate you." He then give him a friendly tap as if to say "There you go, I helped you with your bit, see ya" and walks away. Johnny, trying to make more of a bit out of it, runs at Danny and does what he calls his "monkey humping routine". If you've seen him do this, it was probably expected. But if you had no clue what he was doing, it probably came as something of a shock.

So, Danny just flips Johnny up and over his (Danny's) head, where Johnny lands on his face and smashes his teeth.

The question going around is, and I quote TMZ.com, "Who's the douche?" Fairplay already claims (from the hospital) to have pressed felony assault charges. Danny is doing the radio talk show circuit to defend himself.

The video really makes it pretty clear, and I think Danny was at fault. Don't get me wrong, I hate the other guy, and at least in theory he's the kind of guy you want to punch in the face. But when you actually see him thrown on his face by a guy twice his size, when all he was trying to do was get a laugh, you say "Well, wait, maybe he didn't deserve *that*." The biggest reason I think it's Danny's problem, though? Never once did he turn around and look to see if the guy was ok. No acknowledgement of "Damn I hurt him" or anything like that. He just played to the audience like he'd done what they wanted. He knew he hurt the guy (he watches Fairplay get up and walk offstage), and he didn't care. He smiled and shrugged. That's not really cool. I would think that even in a fight, if you put a guy on the ground, you have at least some concern about whether you've damaged the dude.