[Comment] Re: WWE : Who Killed Vince McMahon?

it couldnt be undertaker because if it was filmed the other day then nobody killed him

i dont get it though

if people saw him get n it it dont make no since

[BlogEntry] My Neighbor's Son is Channeling Chris Farley

Overheard yesterday on the swingset:

The neighbor's son, who is five, turns to my 3yr old and says, "Remember that time we bonked heads?"

"Yes," says my 3yr old.

"That was funny," he says, and continues playing.

In case you don't get the reference in the title…

[BlogEntry] High School Musical : The Play

I knew what High School Musical was just based on the sheer amount of television I watch. But I was surprised when my at the time 4yr old started getting into it. It seems that her friend was having a HSMusical-themed birthday party. Fair enough. So we watched the movie with the kids, and other than the singing and dancing, I think the plot went right over their heads. Science decathalons? Basketball playoffs? Eh.

Fast forward nearly a year, and for K's fifth birthday we got tickets to take her and her sister to the play. I was curious how they'd handle it. I'm a big theatre geek, but I prefer my stuff a little bit on the … deeper? side.

I have to say, I was impressed very impressed. The plot is for the kids, of course – smart girl and dumb jock boy get together to sing for the musical, despite all the cliques that tell them they're breaking the status quo (in a musical number that for some reason makes me think of Little Shop of Horrors' "Down On Skid Row"). The singing and dancing is actually very good. If you like big, full-cast numbers that shake the back wall of the theatre, that's exactly what you get with this one. There is one really weird scene in the middle where there's a slow love song, and for some reason a couple of dancers come out and do this little ballet thing while the stars are singing. Very West Side Story. But that was the only real slow point.

A special nod, too, to the stage direction. There's a point in this place, near the finale, that has no less than three crowd scenes going on simultaneously – the musical auditions (where two students dance some sort of tango/rhumba number), a science competition, and…get this…an actual slow motion basketball game, complete with two teams of players, ball in play, and basketball net with backboard suspended from the ceiling. All timed out to a single musical number, no less. I was quite impressed. Maybe not helicopter-in-Miss-Saigon impressed, but still it was damned cool.

The kids did very well. K kept asking me "Where's Gabrielle?" until I pointed her out, and then she was happy – until the second half when she kept asking me what song they were on. I think she was getting tired. E, on the other hand, appeared to be watching a different show than the rest of us. When I asked her favorite character she said something that, as best I could figure out, involved "The beauty who danced with the beast."

Overall, very impressed, glad we went, excellent show for the family.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Chris Benoit Died? What the????

Its really sad to lose a superstar like Christ Benoit. He's a hero and its impossible that he coulld have killed wife Nancy and son Daniel. Sure he may have had problems in his married life (anyway, who don't have probles in their married life) but i don't think he would have mercilessly killed his own flesh and blood for that. Its unimaginable, no father would do such a thing to his son. So, please stop calling Benoit a murderer. Dunno what hell the poor man may have undergone that day. If he has really murdered his family then all then God already got him punished but if he didn't, then may the real murder pay for all the cruelties he's done. Rest in peace Christ Benoit.. You'll always be in our heart..

[Comment] Re: WWE : Chris Benoit Died? What the????

My son has a wwe& smack down ps2 game and he likes it alot his wresler in the game is chris benoit. my son tells me I hope the wwe don"t take chris benoit from the wwe ps2 game in 08 and 09 because it will make me sad. the point of playing ps2 games is having the wrestler that we like in the ps2 and my son likes chris benoit in his ps2 game. the wwe don"t have respect to chris benoit family and nancy family. Rest in Peace Chris Benoit Nancy Benoit Daniel benoit.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Who Killed Vince McMahon?

The man aint dead just a movie

[Comment] Re: Spelling Lessons

That is so sweet. My friend told me the story how she was going to be named Elizabeth, but her Mother's best friend, who was a school teacher, said not to because it will be hard for her to learn it when she gets to school.
She was named Ann instead.

[BlogEntry] Spelling Lessons

"Daddy, how you spell fireworks?"

"F I R E W O R K S."

"And how you spell me?"

"M E."

"Exactly not right. I gonna spell it all by myself. E L I Z B T H."

She was actually pretty close. We gave the children some long names.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Chris Benoit Died? What the????

I am going to tell my family and friens not to be a wwe fan because wwe is forgeting what a real family is wwe is forgeting chris benoit and his family and there forgeteing nancy benoit family. wwe is not about taking care of the wreslter's familys the wwe is about geting rich. the wwe is fogeting what"s more important for the wrslter"s and is there familys that"s why the wreslers give a good show to the kids and adults for there familys.

[Comment] Re: "Kid Nation" : Have these people not actually read Lord of the Flies?

what do you mean you would not have wanted to be a kid on this show, only cause you could not have handeled the hard work… you are the only thing lame and pathetic.