[BlogEntry] Ex-Wives Club : How do these things even get made?

Now that summer reruns are upon us, Kerry and I are scanning the new shows to see if there's anything worth watching. Remember, Dancing with the Stars was originally a summer show.

Last night we found "Ex-Wives' Club", which could have been some sort of reality show, or perhaps something vaguely in the Desperate Housewives camp. On at 9pm, after all, on a major network.

It turns out to be Queer Eye for the Straight Guy meets The View meets Every Other B-List Celebrity Reality Show. Three "ex-wives", namely Marla Maples (once upon a time, Mrs. Donald Trump), Shar Jackson (baby mama to Mr. Britney Spears himself, Kevin Federline), and Angie Everhart (engaged to Sylvester Stallone, but did she ever marry him?) are now the experts who are going to help people who have just gone through nasty divorces. On the first episode we have a woman who gained 80lb due to medication and had her husband walk out on her, and a guy who came back from Iraq to literally find a naked man in his bedroom closet with his wife.

So they do some scream therapy to get out the anger, then a makeover, and you can sort of see where it goes from there.

What a horrible, horrible show. How it possibly got a 9pm slot I'll never understand, there are shows exactly like this on at like 10am in syndication (something about a recovery house or something? I know I've seen such a thing). And who in god's name made those three women experts in how to put your life back together? Shar Jackson doesn't even merit the "I married somebody famous" status line, she's down in "I married somebody who went on to marry somebody famous" land. Angie Everhart appears to have been married for 3 months. And Marla…isn't she basically famous for getting screwed in the pre-nup agreement?

Awful idea. I give it about 2 episodes.

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

i agree that she was too young. i dont think she'll be able to handle all the stress and stuff. and i think maybe she should of at least finished school before she started a "career"

[Comment] Re: Scrubs Quotes : My Conventional Wisdom

what is the title of the last song played in this episode

"no, no, no! i won't let them take you…"

[Comment] Re: National Bingo Night : I Like It

I would think that legally there must be, that's always in the fine print of these contests so you can prove that they're not being fixed. But I have no idea if it would be worth the trouble to find out.

What was neat, if you saw the show, was the lady in the middle (white) game won her game so fast (only drew 7 balls) that they knew nobody at home had won, so they asked her to keep drawing balls out. So there's a neat technical question there of how they knew that. They know ahead of time, regardless of how many tickets were actually printed, how many of each they generated.

[Comment] Re: National Bingo Night : I Like It

Is there a way to find out how many people actually won bingo at home?

[Comment] Re: On The Lot : I lasted about 30 seconds

I have to agree! I watched onthe lot and I did not like it! Me and my friend both love Americain Idol, though! I probably brike your 30 record, though! I watched ine whole episode!

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

i am so glad jordin won and she is not to young it doesnt matter howold they are it matters on there talent

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

i totally agree about the blake comment
blake a way better performer and singer
he was also really cute <33333 so i agree with you

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

jordin didnt deserve to win she was to young

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

i love you.. you are my idol.. and i wanna be just like you.. i wanna meet you one day and thats my life goal..