[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

I love this song!

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

my original bet is doolittle…but i also like jordin…she really deserves to win…

[BlogEntry] National Bingo Night : I Like It

I've been seeing the commercials for "National Bingo Night" for awhile. This is the one with the Indian man in the referee's outfit yelling "No bingo!" The latest crop of game shows (1 vs 100, Identity, etc…) have failed to really catch fire, so I've been hoping for one that would be fun to actually get behind and enjoy. The question, of course, was going to be "How do you play competitive Bingo? Isn't it just random numbers?"

Well, here's how you play it. You get a contestant (more on that in a minute) and have him play a random number game. One of the games was "Guess red or black", one was "Try to get numbers with 5's in them", and one was "Try to eliminate the digits 1-9". In each case all the contestant does is press the button to serve up a bingo ball.

The catch is that the audience is, in fact, the ones playing Bingo. So the idea is that the contestant has to win their game before anybody gets bingo. Interesting, actually. The longer the game goes on, the better the chance of someone getting bingo. As people get "one away" from Bingo, they stand up, so the contestant feels that much more pressure.

What's fun is that you can play at home, and not online like a bunch of other lame games. Here you actually print out bingo cards, each of which has its own unique identifier. So if you win you can punch the number back in and claim a prize. Sure the prizes are lame (like movie tickets or a $5 KMart coupon), but hey, it's a reason to get into it. You can print a bunch of cards and everybody can play.

Now, back to the contestants. Like all television game shows, the contestants are just crazy annoying. Where do they get these people that have no problem making complete fools of themselves, jumping up and down and screaming crazy things? It's the most annoying part of the show. Basically I tivo'd the whole thing and fast forwarded through the contestant parts to get to the actual number drawing.

I didn't win anything. Oh well, there's always next week.

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

actually blake was the true american idol
but everyone was just blind and deaf

the end….

[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

peice of work

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

The name is Jordin and not Jordan..

[BlogEntry] Video : Buddhist Mandala Destroyed by Small Child

Update: Hooray, I'm famous – BoingBoing.net used my link :). Well, acknowledged that I pointed out the video link. Close enough :).

When I first heard about this in passing I didn't think much of it. I didn't realize that there is video. This is the incident you may have heard of where a small boy climbed under the ropes in a Kansas train station and danced all over a Buddhist sand mandala that they had been working on for days. The video shows the entire event, and I have to admit that I did look at the progress bar to see when it would mercifully be over.

Perhaps the most annoying part is not the child – I mean, come on, he's maybe 2 years old? — it's the mother. Not only does she leave the child completely out of her site for close to 2 minutes (in a train station?!), but when she finally comes to collect him, she never even stops to look at the damage he's caused, and makes no effort to make amends or even to acknowledge fault. She just walks away. Not sure whether to call her a bad mother or just a bad person in general.

Wherever you are, lady, I hope you get reincarnated as a centipede. And I stole that joke from NPR's Wait Wait, Don't Tell Me.

The best part of the story, of course, is the quote from the monks who simply said, "No problem" and started over.

[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

this song was definitely one of the greatest songs ive ever heard in my etire life…this just makes me cry whenever it is played…so touching

[BlogEntry] On The Lot : I lasted about 30 seconds

I wouldn't even have tried this show if not for the fact that nothing else was on. This is the one that's about a bunch of amateur film makers (wasn't there something called Project Greenlight or something that was the exact same thing)?

Let me save you the trouble. It is an exact, and I'm talking word for word, clone of American Idol. Right down to the host saying things like "Random guy, your film was Replicate Me. The judges said this good thing, that, and the other thing. But did America agree? America voted, and….awkward pause….way too long pause…..they replicated what the judges said, you are safe. We'll see you next week."

I'm not joking. That is a transcription. The horribly long pauses for no reason, the recap of what the judges said, the punny reference to something personalized about each contestant. At one point she even did the "You'll find out….after the break" thing.

With something like 15 contestants to go through, it was just too painful to handle. I gave up.

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

she deserve to win because she is THE AMERICAN IDOL