[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

this song brings tears to my eyes. it makes me think of a good friend that killed her self 8 months ago.. only 17 years old.. she was a beautiful person. Alls she wanted was to go home to heaven and be happy

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

Great job!!! You're the best! Thank you!!!

[Comment] tears

jordan u r my idol u r the best i cryed you have such a beautiful voice i just wanted to see more of you after the show!!!!!!i love it i wish on day i could get to meet you!!!!!!

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

This song was beautifully composed, hence the way the two finalists sang it….congrats on winning the song-writing competition….and congrats to Ms. Jordin for winning….

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

good job

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

jordan i think u are awesome!
i love you sooooooooooo much! you have a beautiful voice. i knew all along that you would win.if u could come visit me that would be great

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

well done, cos of u, we didnt hit a dead end searching for the lyrics and kudos to the wife for allowing u do it

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

i love jordan…but shes not my favourite……blakes my favourite and CHRIS….thanks for the lyrinc…u rock

[BlogEntry] 10 Questions With The Dalai Lama

I'm sure I'll never get to meet the Dalai Lama, but I continue to be fascinated by stories of people who have. Rick Ray made a movie about the experience ("10 Questions With The Dalai Lama") which looks like it could be neat. Through a bizarre set of serendipitous occurrences he was granted an audience with His Holiness. He was given 90 days and told to prepare 10 questions, and that he would have at most 1 hour with him. The Dalai Lama, apparently, has a habit of cutting interviews short if he feels that the questions are "insincere." (Comments like that bother me, because they make him sound like he's not a nice guy.) Luckily for Rick the interview goes quite well, over an hour as a matter of fact. His description of how the room changes with the Dalai Lama enters it is quite enjoyable. You can see, from his explanation, that someone would indeed have to be pretty insincere to deserve a snubbing from the man.

Ray's movie is a tiny little independent thing so I don't expect it to come from the local cinema anytime soon. I'll have to keep an eye out for it on DVD.

Update: Thanks very much the anonymous commenter who provided the URL of the movie, which contains a trailer. Looks interesting, although I fear that the questions are the same questions that are always asked ("Does tolerance work? Will there be peace in the Middle East?") As I read more news stories coming out of Australia that are pro-China, I am wondering about some of the historical comments. Was there really torture and slavery used in Tibet until China showed up? Does the Dalai Lama get a paycheck from our CIA to fund attacks on China? On the one hand I would like to laugh those things off, but it would be nice to get answers to the questions from both sides.

[Comment] Re: American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

i love this song. u are my idol