[Comment] Guy Love Lyrics

u gta type in "< p >" (without the spaces) which inserts a new line =]

for future refernce =D

[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

Is this song an original by Chris or was it written from a different season of Idol and passed off to Chris?

[BlogEntry] American Idol : This Is My Now Lyrics

Here we go! Transcribed as best I can, risking life and limb to hit the pause and rewind button Tivo (under threat of my wife killing me, you see…), here are the lyrics to the songwriting contest winner, This Is My Now by Scott Krippayne and Jeff Peabody! If I've made any mistakes please let me know! I'm pretty sure that Blake and Jordin sang different words in some transition parts so I'm not really sure what the "right" version is. Enjoy!

There was a time I packed my dreams away.
Living in a shell, hiding from myself.

There was a time when I was so afraid.
I thought I'd reached the end,
But baby that was then
I am made of more than my yesterdays.

This is my now, and I am breathing the moment.
As I look around I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubts
That was then, this is my now.

I had to decide, was i going to play it safe? 
Or that somewhere deep inside, 
I'm going to turn the tide and find the strength 
To take that step of faith. (*)

This is my now, and I am breathing the moment.
As I look around I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubts
That was then, this is my now. (*)

And I have the courage like never before, yeah.
I've settled for less now I'm ready for more,
Ready for more.

This is my now, and I am breathing in the moment.
As I look around I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubts.
That was then, this is my now.

I'm breathing in the moment
I look around I can't believe the love I see.
My fears behind me, gone are the shadows and doubts.
That was then, this is my now.
This is my now.

(*) Although these verses were not sung on television during the finale, they are reportedly in the "original" version that won the contest.

More American Idol stories…

Technorati: American Idol

[BlogEntry] A Safari Brawl

I almost didn't make it through this video, which shows a herd of buffalo stumbling onto a bunch of lions, all while crocodiles await in the river next to them.

When the buffalo spy the lions, they take off running. But nature takes its course, the lions separate a weak young one from the pack, and the inevitable occurs….or does it? Here I turned the video off, because I'm not really into watching animals suffer, even if it is the sort of thing that happens in nature all the time. Then I realized that the video still had 5 minutes to go, so I turned it back on.

Turn it back on. The buffalo regroup and come back to save their own. Then battle is really on, and the lions don't fair nearly as well when they don't get to simply prey on the weak one. It was actually pretty uplifting to see a nature video that makes you realize that sometimes nature is more complex than just a simple foodchain.

[BlogEntry] Deep Thoughts While Brushing Teeth

"Daddy, who do we pray to?"

"We pray to God, sweetie."

"Oh. How does he wear his hair?"

That's what I get for singing her to sleep with the lyrics to HAIR:

My hair like Jesus wore it, hallelujah I adore it!

[BlogEntry] Ok, I think Iron Chef America cheated

The other night I'm watching Iron Chef America, and the battle is between an American chef specializing in "American Western" cooking. The man is so cowboy that his entire staff all wore Stetson hats to the kitchen. For his battle he chooses chef Morimoto, the alumni of the original Iron Chef and basically the best of them all. The "tale of the tape" for the man showed something like a 72-12 record.

And what's the secret ingredient? Chili peppers.

Aww come on! That's hardly fair. During the final tasting, chef Morimoto even said, "I've never used them before, I really don't know anything about the different kinds. So I basically tasted them all and then based on the flavor, here's what I made." Without knowing the names he just held up different peppers, saying "In this dish, I used this one." There was a great shot of him during the battle biting into the peppers one after another, and then he gets to the jalapeno and nearly choked on it. For the rest of the battle you could see him sweating.

He did indeed lose the battle, but only by a point. Not bad for someone who was cooking with an ingredient he'd never used before. Still, though, I think that had to be one of the more lopsided battles I've ever seen.

[Comment] Re: Scrubs Quotes : My Conventional Wisdom

ever since i was 19 not 13

[Comment] Re: Where can you get those stroller "stand and ride" attachments?

I found it on amazon…

[Comment] Re: "Kid Nation" : Have these people not actually read Lord of the Flies?

Any information yet on when it will be on? Whether it's on at 8, 9 or 10pm will do much to determine the audience that CBS gets. I think that, as another poster said, it's going to be an interesting to sell to get a bunch of adults to watch a show about children without some sort of hook.

[Comment] Re: "Kid Nation" : Have these people not actually read Lord of the Flies?

This show will be good. One of the contestants is also one of my best friends, and you're right, she's not alowed to reveal any information that hasn't allready been stated.