[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My No Good Reason

im just wondering if anyone knows that last quote that jd says at the very end of the episode?

[Comment] Re: American Idol Results : Who Got Kicked Off 3/28/2007?

Chris may be awesome, but he's going home before Sanjaya. Have a nice day.

[Comment] Re: American Idol Results : Who Got Kicked Off 3/28/2007?

Chris is awesome, maybe YOU need to go on a diet, you just made fun of him because you have low self esteem

[Comment] Re: She does keep us on a schedule…

Wow, really? Can she come over and teach Maya that trick? My kids seem to think there is an endless amount of time available for goofing off in the mornings.

[BlogEntry] Contest : Win FREE TaxCut Tax Software

After mentioning TaxCut in a blog post over at Commute Smarter, somebody from the company sent me a coupon for a free copy of the software (including e-file) which goes for about $75. I'd already bought the program and filed my taxes, so I'm giving it away.

To enter, see the original post for more details. Good luck!

[Comment] Re: American Idol Results : Who Got Kicked Off 3/28/2007?

Dang! I missed it! Did Chris seriously get kicked off? That fatty deserved it. He seriously needs to go on a diet.

[BlogEntry] American Idol Results : Who Got Kicked Off 3/28/2007?

Well the Sanjaya juggernaut continues as once again he's not even in the bottom three. This time the bottom three is Phil, Haley and … Chris Sligh? Interesting. The first two surprise me as neither of them sang bad enough to be eliminated for it, and Chris Sligh surprises me because I thought that his fan club would have been enough to keep him around. Where's Chris R in the bottom? And Sanjaya?

Anyway, Chris Sligh's going home. So much for making David Hasselhoff cry. My neighbor's going to be upset, she had him in the pool.

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[BlogEntry] She does keep us on a schedule…

Albeit an imaginary one. Elizabeth (not yet 3) has a new thing where she comes into my bathroom in the morning before I take a shower and says, "I wear your watch, Daddy." So I strap my watch onto her arm.

"In five minutes Katherine wake up," she says. "I all done." Then she takes the watch off and walks away.

Done it every day this week, the exact same.

[BlogEntry] Dancing with the Stars Results 3/27 : Who Got Kicked Off?

The only redeeming quality of the results show is that demonstrations of professional ballroom dancing. Combining that with a song (or two) from whatever B-list celebrity they have on hand that week actually makes them both bearable, compared with something like American Idol where we have no choice but to sit and listen to Carrie or Fantasia or whoever is legally obligated to sing that week. On Dancing we can ignore Dionne Warwick and watch Anna Trebunskya wiggle her hips.

Anyway, it comes down to Paulina and Shandi, which seems to pretty well demonstrate that all these things are popularity contests, not talent contests. Paulina and Shandi didn't stand out. Billy Ray, even if he's a lousy dancer, has got a following because of his television show. The audience doesn't vote for people they don't know.

Can I take a moment to say how badly Samantha screwed up several times tonight? At one point she said "after the babank" instead of "after the break" which had Tom looking at her strange, and then later she completely screwed up the tease about who was in the bottom two when she said "Paulina and Alec….uhh…." before going on to just list everybody's name. Turns out they were in the bottom two anyway. Bad cover.

Speaking of them, Paulina is indeed the first to go. That must piss off Alec. Remember, he was the season one champion. You have to figure that he was looking forward to making a real showing of it.

[BlogEntry] American Idol 3/27/2007 : Gwen Stefani

When I heard that Gwen Stefani (No Doubt) was the special guest this week, I thought it could be pretty cool. I liked that era of music. They could easily have gone with a 90's theme. Instead we got a bunch of Police and Donna Summer in a boring "what inspired me" theme week. Was it stuff that inspired Gwen Stefani? I couldn't quite figure that out, why would we care what her inspirations were?

Lakisha (Let's Dance, Donna Summer) – Does doing classic disco tunes show any real range for Lakisha? Sure it was faster than her usual, and she actually moved around the stage, but maybe I just hate the song in general.

Chris Sligh (Every Little Thing, The Police) – Chris can't stay on the beat and everybody calls him on it, judges and Gwen Stefani as well, going so far as to say that it's painful for the audience to listen to. It really was bad this week, even his look was off. He looked fat and winded, quite frankly.

Gina (I'll Stand By You) – Unlike Lakisha, Gina brings us a "stand there and belt it out" song, and the judges go nuts for it. Simon's all compliments as well, saying "That wasn't one of your best, that *was* your best."

Sanjaya (Bathwater, No Doubt) – Oh dear God what did Sanjaya do to his hair this week? If we rule out the fact that he looked stupid, it really shows that the kid has a set on him. They make fun of his hair every week, so now he's saying "I dare you." That's confidence. He reminded me of a character from Mad Max or something. Simon tells him that it doesn't matter what they say, the people that like him will vote for him.

Haley (True Colors, Cyndi Lauper) – Going against the advice of the professional, Haley mucks all around with the melody of the song and the judges don't love it. They tell her that it's boring and too adult/contemporary, and anybody could have done that.

Phil (Every Breath You Take, The Police) – Hey, he's got the hat back. I can't decide which I like better. At least this hat fits. I do like his song this week, maybe it's not so bad that he's stuck around. The judges like it as well.

Melinda (Heaven Knows, Donna Summer) – Have the judges ever said anything bad about Melinda? I don't think so. The worst Simon said was that he didn't like her outfit.

Blake (Love Song, The Cure) – I can't believe that Blake busted out such a kill yourself slow song like The Cure. I dig Blake, I want to see him win the whole thing, but man I wanted to put him out of his own misery during that song. The judges, on the other hand, really liked it. Simon told him multiple times that he's the best of the guys.

Jordin (Hey Baby, No Doubt) – I really did not enjoy Jordin's version of the song, but I can't put my finger on why. Seems like more of a team effort sort of song, not really a solo thing. Plus, can we talk about the outfit? She looked like she just got off of field hockey practice and decided to wrap a picnic table cloth around herself. Totally distracting. Seriously, was that gym shorts she was wearing?

Chris R (Don't Speak, No Doubt) – I just don't enjoy the way this kid sings, what can I say. Gwen calls it "vocal Olympics". Blah. It's slow, it's all over the place, and he's got a weird habit of looking over his shoulder like he's expecting the band to come up on stage or something. Time to go.

Speaking of time to go, I have no idea who it will be this week. Sanjaya has really messed up everybody's predictions. It's really up in the air.

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