Not good at all, I need one. oh well I'll keep wishing money falls on my lap.
Entries from March 2008 ↓
[Comment] Re: CNN : Job Losses Worst In Five Years
March 8th, 2008 — Uncategorized
[Comment] Re: Just what you want to hear from your 5yr old daughter
March 8th, 2008 — Uncategorized
haha yeh stak is great. =)
[BlogEntry] CNN : Job Losses Worst In Five Years
March 7th, 2008 — News
[BlogEntry] Just what you want to hear from your 5yr old daughter
March 6th, 2008 — Family
"Know what we haven't had for dinner in a long time, Mommy?"
"What's that, sweetie?" "Steak. Can we have steak for dinner tonight?" That's daddy's girl![Comment] Re: American Inventor : Everything Is Going To Be All Right
March 4th, 2008 — Uncategorized
This thing is going to sell and sell. I want one!!!
[BlogEntry] I Have Completely Misunderstood My Religion, Until Now
March 2nd, 2008 — Family
Today at church, the 3yr old says, "Daddy, look what they did!" pointing to the main altar.
"What did they do?" I ask.
"They put purple on that girl doing gymnastics!"
I follow the pointing finger to the giant Christ on the cross hanging over the altar, which has been draped in the traditional Easter purple. "That's Jesus," I tell her.
"That's not Jesus," she corrects me, "That's a girl doing gymnastics."
I have completely misunderstood Catholicism, apparently.