First of all, when you see the headline "Jack Hannah, Flamingo Trapped In Airport Turnstile" don't you immediately expect (nay, hope) to see video? 🙂
Second, you have to love this line from the article, which sounds like the start of its own "Guy walks into a bar" joke: "Hannah was returning from a zoo fundraiser with a mongoose, a small leopard, and a flamingo."
Sounds like that joke from Breakfast Club ("A naked blond walks into a bar, with a poodle under one arm, and a two foot salami under the other. She lays the poodle on the table. Bartender says, "I suppose you won't be needing a drink." The naked lady says…")
PS – Since I've been asked, there is technically no known answer to the joke. The actor has said that he was making it up as he went. The original scene was supposed to have him tell a joke where the punchline was "Forgot my pencil" (the line he says as he walks back into the library after crashing through the ceiling), but no one could think of a joke with that punchline. There are sites dedicated to coming up with a punchline for the joke, though. My favorite is this one: Naked lady says, "Why do you say that?" Bartender says, "I was talking to the poodle."