Remember Sara Evans, the country singer who quit Dancing With The Stars because she was in the middle of a messy divorce? Well, it's getting messier. The ex-husband has filed a document in court asking her to testify, under oath that she was not romantically involved with a number of men in her life.
In general this would be no big deal, just a typical piece of legal fluff equivalent to trolling — ask her to say it under oath, therefore if she refuses, she must have done it, right?
However, it gets more juicy when you read the list of names: Kenny Chesney (isn't he the one that got divorced from Renee Zellweger because he's gay?), Richard Marx (wait…the guy from the 1980's??), Tony Dovolani (her dancing instructor on the show), and what appears to be the entire band "3 Doors Down."
Tony? I thought Maksim got all the babes.