[BlogEntry] "Kid Nation" : Have these people not actually read Lord of the Flies?

CBS is planning a kids' version of Survivor, dubbed "a reality take on Lord of the Flies""."

In the show, kids 8-15 will inhabit a ghost town (rather than an island) with no parental supervision. They will be expected to choose leaders, and make decisions about things they need (food, shelter) versus things they want (Nintendo). There will be no mandatory eliminations, and each week someone will be chosen for a reward.

It's the Lord of the Flies reference that bothers me. Has no one read this book? It does not turn out well for the children. Though I suppose if the producers are smart they'll get in a reference to somebody sharpening a stick at both ends. That'll have em glued to the seats.

Update: This post is old. Check out More on Kid Nation!