August 2nd, 2007 — Family
Had a weird dream last night. I'm in Starbucks, waiting in line. Mind you, I've never been in a Starbucks in reality. Well, maybe once, waiting for someone else. I've certainly never ordered anything. I don't even drink coffee. But there I am, waiting in line at a crowded Starbucks, trying desperately to see the menu of what exactly they sell so that I'll know what to order. I am happy to see that they now offer Small/Medium/Large sizes, so at least I won't make the cliched mistake of saying Venti when I meant Grande, or whatever the language is that they speak in the place. I can make out from my position that there is a "vanilla" coffee, so I figure I'm safe. (In real life I'm sure this has something to do with my many coffee runs to Dunkin Donuts to get the wife her French Vanilla).
It's my turn, and I order a small vanilla coffee. The man behind the counter pauses, as if I've screwed it up anyway. "And what food?" he says, impatiently. "That's it," I say. He shrugs like I'm weird and turns away. "What, did I get in the wrong line?" I ask. "Yes," he says, and I realize that I have been standing in the food line. The other line is for coffee only orders.
So I just got into work 10 minutes ago. I work in a cube farm where half the floor is another company, and we can typically overhear conversations. "I'm going downstairs now," I hear a man's voice say to someone. "Just regular, right? Because I'm not ordering any hazelnut or vanilla or any weird flavors like that. Just on principle."
Cue Twilight Zone music!
August 1st, 2007 — Uncategorized
Too many things did not check out. I feel Chris Benoit, his wife Nancy and son Daniel where killed and not by Chris Benoit, by someone who had it in for this family. I pray they catch these awful people and clear Chris Benoit's name. Rest in Peace Chris, Nancy, Daniel Benoit.
Love & Prayers,
August 1st, 2007 — Family
So I've been listening to Harry Potter on iPod for about a week. At a rate of about 2 chapters per day I was planning to be finished tomorrow, or maybe the day after. But a coworker was pestering me enough to hurry up and finish so we could discuss it that I found myself reading the ebook in between chapters and then went for a walk around the lake over lunch and basically finished the thing in a couple of hours this afternoon. Ironically, I am scheduled for vacation next week, when I really should be reading the silly thing instead of deliberately finishing it before I go.
Anyway, the point of my story is that this afternoon on the train home, I sat down and realized that the people 4 rows ahead of me were actually discussing the ending of the book. So if I hadn't picked up speed and finished today, I would have walked right into a major spoiler. Yikes. I was tempted to tell them to shut up, there might be people on the train who had not yet finished the book.
August 1st, 2007 — Uncategorized
Showershorts; for the man who has nothing to hide…but still wants to!
July 31st, 2007 — Uncategorized
The deal with this case all the people say that chris benoit is a monster, no one was elese was at chris benoit house. The only people at benoit house was chris and nancy and daniel. no one knows what happend and this case don"t make sence. chris benoit was not a monster and someone set him up to be a monster. Chris Benoit was a nice guy and loved his family and he loved wrestling and the wwe should put chris benoit in the hall of fame. Rest in peace chris benoit and nancy benoit and daniel banoit.
July 31st, 2007 — Television
I don't understand how the people that do American Idol can produce a second "talent" show and then have 7 out of 10 of the finalists be singers. None of the finalists in Talent are as good as finalists on Idol, and you have to know that people will make the comparison. Instead, how about everybody that's voting on this show vote for one of the variety acts instead? They are:
- Calypso Tumblers – Great, dynamic act. And although it's basically a bunch of running and jumping, they do it in a way that's exciting to watch. Plus they've got great character and personality, and a good back story. Nice act to support.
- Terry Fator – Ok, this guy is a singer, sort of. He's a ventriloquist who does impersonations of singers. That has to be one of the most unique talents I have ever seen. I'd be happy to see him win it, but I'm not sure that people appreciate the difficulty level.
- Sideswipe – Karate demonstrations are always fun to watch, but as Sharon said, they've got to do something more than just the whole kicky punchy thing to step it up. And bringing out a bunch of little kids really blew it for them, it was too chaotic and silly. It went from hardcore martial arts demonstration to lightweight family fun in a blink.
If a singer has to win it, vote for Cas Haley, the stumpy little guy with the hat. I didn't like his bluesy thing he did, but in general I like his voice best of all of them (thanks for not being country, Cas) and I like his back story, he's always got something inspirational to say about his wife and kids.
July 31st, 2007 — Television
Well I guess this show turned watchable after all, Kerry and I have been following it through the weeks. For the most part the episodes themselves are stupid, the 20yr olds are all "Oh yeah really, whatever" and the 40yr olds are all "I'd almost given up hope that I could love again…." Blah. But they've done a good job of overproducing the commercials so each week it looks like they'll be drama.
It's down to Amanda, a 20yr old, and Jen, a 40yr old. Or at least, those are their respective teams, not sure what their actual ages are. Does anybody believe for a minute that that's coincidence? That from the very beginning the producers weren't manipulating the choices to make sure it came down that way? I think I would have been more impressed if it had come down to two from a single age group, it would have felt more real.
My guess is that he picks Jen, the older one. Because although almost all the episodes have been edited to show Amanda getting all the attention, several times you got this "I saved the best for last" comment regarding Jen, who was normally left until the end.
But what happened to Megan? She's afraid to fly, so she can't go on the trip to Australia, so she's kicked off the show? Kerry is pissed! She's sitting there yelling at the tv, "That's how he's going to decide who he loves, who's not afraid to fly? That's not fair!" All's fair in love and reality tv, I guess.
July 31st, 2007 — Family
So the other day I swing by Supercuts to get a haircut, and I'm listening to Harry Potter on my iPod while I'm waiting. So naturally when it's my turn the girl asked me what I'm listening to, I tell her, and we get into a conversation about it. She seems intrigued that I have it on ipod, and has never made the connection that just like you can rip a CD full of music, you can rip a book on tape.
She's maybe in her mid-20's or so. We mention kids and she tells me she has a 4yr old. I tell her that my oldest is 5.
We discuss other books, she mentions VC Andrews, a name I have not heard since high school. If I recall correctly, VC Andrews "Flowers in the Attic" was basically Danielle Steele for teenagers. "I'm not really the audience for that sort of book," I tell her, "Give me science fiction or something like a Lord of the Rings."
"Yeah," she says, "My dad likes to read that stuff, too."
I clutch at my heart.
"No!" she says, aghast, "I'm not saying you're old! My dad's not old! He's 43!"
Yes, about 5 years older than me. AND A GRANDFATHER!
July 29th, 2007 — Uncategorized
I think Chris Benoit is a good man and I do not think he killed his wife Nancy or his little boy Daniel I think someone else did this and set it up as a murder suicide.
Rest In Peace Chris Benoit, Nancy and Daniel Benoit.
I hope and pray they find the real killer and clear his name
Love & Prayers,
Anonymous Fan
July 29th, 2007 — Uncategorized
Chris Benoit should be in the wwe hall of fame in 08.