I am in love with this show! These kids are so talented. All them should get parts in the production. Austin should be cast as Kenicki and while Laura would be a good Sandy I think she would be a terrific Rizzo.
[Comment] Re: Grease : You're The One That I Want
March 13th, 2007 — Uncategorized
[BlogEntry] The Wisdom of Supercuts
March 11th, 2007 — Family
Everytime I go get my haircut, I make the same joke. "The older I get," I tell whoever has just done the $14.95 job on me, "The less time I seem to spend in this chair."
Today, for the first time, the girl responded with, "Of course. Now you've got more important things to do."
I like it. Good point. Actually made me feel like "Why yes, yes I do."
[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry
March 10th, 2007 — Uncategorized
Yeah, thanks very much for the info about this song. luv it from the 1st time I heard it at AI. Chris rocks!!
[Comment] Re: Grease : You're The One That I Want
March 9th, 2007 — Uncategorized
I love it too! Macho Max completely has our family tuning in each week! He's got great performance charisma and an IT factor that the other guys just don't have.
[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry
March 9th, 2007 — Uncategorized
i was searching the internet for the name of that song, heard it on american idol last night.
[Comment] Re: Teaching Multiplication and Division
March 9th, 2007 — Uncategorized
I understand that you want to give your daughter a head start with learning, and as long as she is having fun, that's great. I would stop if she gets frustrated, though–don't want to turn her off on learning math. Of course, all kids are different, but I let my son learn naturally, just by playing with his toys with him when he was that age. He was doing college level math in fourth grade. Now he's seventeen, a straight A student, and builds, repairs, and programs computers for fun! Morins are naturally smart–she'll do terrific! 🙂
[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry
March 9th, 2007 — Uncategorized
LOL, nope, it's not me!
[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry
March 9th, 2007 — Uncategorized
Hey can you plz plz send it to me the song ? thanks
EMAIL: Tiger_Jupiter@hotmail.com
[Comment] Re: The Joys of the Bed and Breakfast
March 9th, 2007 — Uncategorized
Yes, bed and breakfasts are fantastic. I like www.roadlodging.com to look for bed and breakfasts, especially since I am a road tripper.
[Comment] Re: American Idol 3/1/07 : Who got kicked off?
March 8th, 2007 — Uncategorized
You're on the wrong week, check out the results for 3/8/07 where, yes, Sundance did get eliminated.