[BlogEntry] Kid Nation : Let The Lawsuits Begin

The show's been taped, and hasn't debuted yet, so why not kill some time by filing a child abuse lawsuit? Most of the people who checked in here with a relationship to the show said that they had a great time. But there's at least one mother who has filed suit, claiming that the kids were neglected. One girl was burned by grease while cooking, and one "accidentally" drank bleach. Not quite sure how you do that, I'm wondering what episode that will be on.

Kid Nation, for those that missed the earlier posts, is a sort of Survivor / Lord of the Flies thing where they fill up a "ghost town" with nothing but kids and see if they can build up their own society. No word on whether there will be pig's heads, conch shells or sticks sharpened at both ends.

Update: I've been nicely corrected, she hasn't filed a lawsuit (yet), merely written a letter of complaint. I suppose you need to establish that someone's broken laws first. But who are we really kidding, if a kid sustained an injury, then regardless of what waivers they signed, there's going to be a lawsuit.

[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My Night to Remember

My bf sent me ALL of Scrubs episodes all the way from IRAQ as a surprise!! I LOVE IT! I LOVE HIM!!

[Comment] Re: Scrubs : My Night to Remember

Love it!! I think JD's hot… anyone with me????

[BlogEntry] Old Yelly

Driving Katherine home today, I thought she was particularly loud in the back seat. "You don't have to yell," I told her, "I'm right here."

"But Daddy," she said, "That's how my voice is being today. It's yelly."

[Comment] Re: Age of Love : Amanda, or Jen?

Amanda was AWFUL. So coniving, immature and not at all cute. I couldn't take all her drama. Hopefully they ended up like all reality show couples – broken up about 2 seconds after the show ended.

[Comment] Re: That's 5 Small Steps for Man

This stage is so much fun. My daughter did that "momentum" walk for a while, and with such glee.

I got here through parenthacks. Loved your comment today. I think you're totally right. I'm no hacker, but I look forward to seeing how my children make those quantum leaps.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Who Killed Vince McMahon?

coachman its so obvious vince mcmahan treats him like shit thats what the storyline was suppost 2 be but chris ruined evry thing

[Comment] Re: Age of Love : Amanda, or Jen?

Amanda & Mark had a connection.

Jen– a little too cocky and overconfident–her son was almost the same age as Mark???????? give me a break

[BlogEntry] That's 5 Small Steps for Man

Got a call this morning at work from my screaming wife that the baby took his first steps! 5 of them, to be specific. He'd taken two for me over the weekend but I'm counting those more as "momentum" then actual steps, as he was reaching for me at the time, and the second one was more of a "put your foot down before you fall on your face" sort of thing. But 5 steps is definitely a milestone!

"And did you scare the crap out of him when you screamed?" I asked my wife.

"Yep. He didn't know what he'd done. Ok, I have to go call more people."

[Comment] Re: Age of Love : Amanda, or Jen?

jen jen jen, its no doubt that you will not have any problem finding mr. right, you are a knock out! Im 39 and wish i looked as great as you. You and Mark obviously had a connection, he picked amanda because of her age, and her beauty of course.. which is fine, only without :the connection: it will never last.