[Comment] Re: WWE : Chris Benoit Died? What the????

Hello Chris Beniot fans… I put a comment on here recently. I'm still waiting to see the authorities do some real work in this case. Look, I don't know him personally. I've met a few wrestlers over the years. There's not that much anger or roid rage in the world that a man will choke out his own son. I'm a proud father of 1 boy and 2 girls. I just cant see that happening. And still.. I find it odd that the WWE moved on as if Chris didn't exist. Somewhere in the company… Somebody knows more than what is being told.. I've seen too many crimes and dead bodies.. Let's put away my love for wrestling.. I'm no Chris Beniot fan.. I'm going to keep it real.. The storyline of Chris Beniot's death was written before it happened. Get it… STORYLINE… The powers that be should be lucky as hell that I'm no cop.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Chris Benoit Died? What the????

I like to say that chris benoit did not kill his family. chris benoit loved his family and wrestling. The wwe should put chris benoit in the wwe hall of fame because chris was the best wrestler in the world. chris did not kill his family someone alse did chris was a nice person and he would never hurt his family or anyone. this is how I fill. The wwe should put chris benoit in the wwe hall of fame 2008 and chris should still be on the wwe shop.com the wwe has to have more respect to chris benoit and his family because chris and nancy and daniel benoit are gone but there will always be with us in our hearts. Rest in peace chris and nancy and daniel benoit. god bless you.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Chris Benoit Died? What the????

You know I am so glad that I found this sight, because I have told my husband from the minute I heard about this that Chris did not kill Nancy and Daniel. Someone tried to hard to make it look like Chris did it. Now I see there are so MANY others that believe as I do. How come the police call it a murder suicide? I pray that the police really do some good investigating and find out that someone or someones killed the Benoit family and that Chris could not of done it. He just doesn't seem the type. Just like many of you have said why would he tie Nancy up and the news said that he knelt on her back with such force that she had briuses on her back and her stomach. I could not see Chris hurting Nancy like that. And the news said that Chris put a choke hold on Daniel and possibly broke his neck, no way, do you see how big Chris's forearms and upper arms are I just can't imagine that Chris would do that to Daniel, no way. Someone else did this and probaly more than one person. The police need to find out what really happened. God Bless Chris, Nancy and Daniel. May You All Rest In Peace.

[Comment] Re: American Inventor : Everything Is Going To Be All Right

hi, the everything is going to be all right doll is so insane, I can hardly believe that it made it to the finals, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at something in my life.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Chris Benoit Died? What the????

I like to say that chris benoit did not kill his family, chris benoit was a family man. july 14,07 Nancy benoit and daniel are going to have a memorial sevice and this day I will never forget because is my birthday tommorw and I am a big wrestling fan but thats not the point. Chris benoit was a nice guy and a good father and a good husband. I hope the wwe see that chris benoit was not a bad guy and chris benoit has two more kids and the wwe needs to take care of chris benoit two kids for life because their father is gone. chris benoit took care of his other two kids but now whats going to happen who is going to take care of the kids finacialy. I hope the wwe takes care of chris benoit two kids for life. Rest in peace chris benoit nancy and daniel benoit.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Chris Benoit Died? What the????

Hello wrestling fans. I have been watching wrestling for over 20 years. I guess you can say that I'm a fan. But I know a hell of a lot more about murders. I'm from the ghetto. I used to live in Atlanta some years back. Please follow what you are about to read.
Let's disregard the popularity of Chris Beniot. True… Chris was taking steriods. I knew it and was able to see the differences in his body size and shape (same as Eddie). To my understanding roid rage last 3-4 days.
The timing is way off.

He went to see his doctor on Friday. Then he supposively went home to kill his wife. OK.. He's big ass shit. He really wouldn't have to tie his wife up to kill her. Was it a broken neck that she suffered or what?

Now. Daniel… A son that loves his father and his father loves him. A child knows his father. If something was wrong.. Daniel would have known before it all happened. Chris would have had to keep Daniel quiet one way or another for a day. Kill him and then sit around the house panicing about what to do next.

………..BUT HOLD UP………..

Someone had already known of this before any of it happened. I have strong beliefs in sensing things before it happens. but get real. Some internet geek can get paid to do shit over the net.

This is what I urge to authorities to do.

1. Do a lot of cross referencing with Chris and his business engagements and handlings.

2. Talk to relatives about what their marital problems really were

3. Find out how long Chris had on his contract with the WWE.

4. Steriods make a person paronoid. Find out why he told Edge that he felt somebody was following or watching him

5. Get the finger prints off the phones (every inch of all phones). you will at least know if there were gloves worn

6. We know that Chris loved the job. But, what was his relationship with others (everybody)

7. Past personal relationships should be taken into strong consideration.

8. Check out the internet guy. He knows something.

9. Why is it that the WWE is going forward not mentioning Chris. That is odd.

For all the inquires and concerns about this tragedy. Please notice that I nearly asked the same question 3 times. Unfortunately for the rest of the Beniot family.. This tragedy was nothing more than a cut short storyline that was written… By a person.
Rest In Peace to Chris, Nancy, and Daniel Beniot. And, I send my prayers to the rest of the Beniot Family and Fiends.

[BlogEntry] Remember the one about the pizza guy and the bomb?

Back in 2003 there was a very bizarre story (that made some "most bizarre way to die" lists) about the pizza delivery man who was forced to rob a bank on behalf of some other criminals who had kidnapped him and attached a live bomb around his neck. While the police waited for the bomb squad to arrive, the bomb went off. Apparently not a hoax, indeed!

Well, people have finally been indicted. And you know what? It appears that the guy was in on it. Ok, follow the details, because they are messed up:

  1. "Wells" is the guy that blew up. "Barnes", one of the two people who are charged with the crime, was a fishing buddy of Wells. "Armstrong", a female who is also charged, is listed as a friend of Barnes.
  2. The original plan was to get the money so that Armstrong could hire someone to kill her father.
  3. The plan was to set it up so that if Wells was caught, he could claim to be an unwilling participant.
  4. As apparently an added benefit, the bomb also ensured that Wells could not keep the money for himself. "If he dies, he can't be a witness." No honor among thieves, apparently. Who would volunteer for that deal?
  5. Armstrong (who wanted the money to kill her father, got it?) was already in jail after police found the body of James Roden, her boyfriend. She has already confessed to killing Roden because he knew about the robbery.
  6. Roden's body was found in a home near the place where Wells had made his last pizza delivery. The guy that owned the home has since died of cancer.

Got all that? If somebody wrote that all up as an episode of Law and Order, the producers would say "No way, too confusing."

[BlogEntry] How Not To Get Out of Jury Duty

This guy wanted out of jury duty so badly that he filled out the form saying that he was a racist, homophobic habitual liar. But his real stupidity came on the stand when the judge asked "Are you lying to me now?" and the guy said, "I could be." The judge said, "I think you're intentionally trying to get out of jury duty," and the man said, "That's true."

Judge immediately had him arrested and charged with perjury, among other things. Love it.

[Comment] Re: WWE : Who Killed Vince McMahon?

listening to these responses makes me want to kill MYSELF!

[Comment] Re: WWE : Who Killed Vince McMahon?

well he faked it i dont know why but he did but then it spread that he is alive but then smothing terrible happend! Chris Benoit killed his wife and his seven year old son then he put the bibles near thier dead bodies then he killed himself. i think he sucided because he tought Vince McMahon was dead.