[BlogEntry] The Dalai Lama to Retire?


I suppose that's not a complete surprise, the man is 71 and has done nothing but travel around the world constantly for nearly 50 years. There are some important things to note, however, for the confused:

The Dalai Lama is both the religious leader of Buddhism as well as the political leader of Tibet. He is retiring from the latter. He cannot retire from the former, as the position is to believed to be one of reincarnation. You can't stop being the Dalai Lama, in that sense. You can, however, hand over the political reigns of the Tibetan cause.

If anybody's ever wondered about the state of Tibet inside of China, read the article. The successor to the Dalai Lama is supposedly chosen by the #2 man, the Panchen Lama (similar to "vice president", I'd guess). So what do the Chinese do? They kidnapped the Panchen Lama (who disappeared over 10 years ago) and put their own man in his place. So when the time comes to appoint a new leader of Tibet, the Chinese have rigged the system so that they'll be able to decide who gets the position. China's always made it very clear that they don't do the whole freedom of religion thing. It's actually quite sad that in our lifetime we've already seen a Dalai Lama who spent nearly his entire life outside of the country he rules, and may soon see the appointment of a successor who has never been there to begin with. If the Chinese have their way, there will eventually be no more Tibet to go home to.

[Comment] Re: And Now, A Random Quote From A Small Child

You should play some Genesis for her. Maybe there is something deep in the lyrics that would make that make sense….

"I cant dance, I cant talk.
Only thing about me is the way I walk.
I cant dance, I cant sing
Im just standing here selling everything."

hmmmm – not seeing yet….



[BlogEntry] Scrubs Gossip : Renewed?

For those that listen to the Scrubs podcast, you may have caught this little tidbit drop from one of the writers of "My Conventional Wisdom":

"I think that as we slowly approach the end of the show, though we probably have a year left…."

Make of that what you will. Sounds to me like we're good for one more season, even if it is on ABC.

[BlogEntry] And Now, A Random Quote From A Small Child

Just something for 7am on a Monday morning:

"I love you, Mommy."

    "I love you too, sweetheart."

"I can't dance."

She's not quite 3 yet. How old are they before they learn what "non sequitur" means?

[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

this song really reminds me of my ex-boyfriend "migs". its so painful breaking up with him…

[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

This Song Is Amazing =]

His Voice Is Amazing..

So Glad I Found The Lyrics

Fanx =]


[BlogEntry] What's up with the referral resume spam?

Every day I get a couple of stragglers in my referrer logs where the URL is somebody's resume. I'm not quite sure what sort of moron you have to be to think that spamming your resume is going to get you jobs, but it's never really bothered me, I just blacklist them all. Today, all of a sudden, there are dozens of them. Not dozens of different ones, but dozens of hits from the same URLs over and over again. Not really sure what's up with that. All the same, they're all going in the blacklist. What I should really do is follow the link, get the email address and then put them personally in my blacklist just so that I'm sure never to hire them.

[BlogEntry] That's not the last time I'll hear that, I'm sure

Elizabeth gets up with the sunrise. Katherine needs a small explosive set off in her room. We try to let her wake up on her own, but on a school day there comes a point of no return where I have to go wake her up if she's going to make it out the door. So this morning I come in to her room, turn the lights on, open the shades and say, "Wake up, sweetie. School today."

Zombie-like, she sits up and begins rubbing her eyes. "Daddy?" she says in a very quiet, sleepy voice. "Do you think maybe when you come in to wake me up you could just turn on the light a little bit, at first?"

That's one of those moments where you future flashes before your eyes, and I can picture her at about 13 pulling the pillow over her head and mumbling "5 more minutes!!"

[Comment] Re: Scrubs Quotes : My Musical

Im a fan of Scrubs, musicals and Avenue Q. So this was like sex to me.

[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

I lub dis song its'da bomb!! =]

Donna =]