[Comment] Re: Rockstar Supernova 8/30 Results : Shocker! Who goes home??

I cannot believe that "the band" voted off Ryan!!! What are they thinking? Ryan had it all going for him – I thought that he would help "the band" by bringing some class with him – and "the band" needs someone that can belt out a song, and look good, and that person, in my book, is Ryan. I will be boycotting by not watching the show anymore. I loved Ryans' final words to the guys in the band. He will go far!!! Will Supernova??

[Comment] Re: Rockstar Supernova 8/30 Results : Shocker! Who goes home??

The decisons the guys are making as to who should leave each week are questionable. Often their comments do not match their choices. I am becoming frustrated and Super Nova will have to be a pretty good band for me to support these idiots.