Last night, everybody on the program including Jerry Springer got a minimum score of 24 (all 8's). There are six contestants left (Mario, Joey, Sara, Willa, Emmit, Jerry) sharing 6 points at the top. I saw an interesting post over at TVSquad that basically said that judges have taken themselves out of the voting by effectively giving everybody the same score, thus leaving the eliminations up to the audience vote. Compare to last season with Master P, who no one wanted there, so the judges kept giving him lower and lower scores every week until no amount of audience voting could save him.
So then. It's no longer about the dancing, it's about how much you appreciate the effort everybody puts into it. Otherwise Jerry Springer would not be one point away from Joey Lawrence. Given that, who do you vote for? Who is the favorite? Update: Willa? WILLA goes home? See, it's moves like that that take the fun out of the show for me. The producers love it because they can hype the "unpredictable" nature of live television, but everybody watching knows that Willa is a better dancer than Jerry. Maybe the judges will turn it around after all and start marking Jerry down in an attempt to control the results a bit. Just because you try hard doesn't mean that the final results should be a total crapshoot.[BlogEntry] Dancing with the Stars : Popularity Contest
October 11th, 2006 — Television