[BlogEntry] More On Kid Nation (Kid Nation Morons?)

CNN has a lengthy article up on the mother who claims that children were injured during Kid Nation. CNN's article, though, is much longer and goes into much greater detail about the show in general.


  • Complaint claims that 4 children "accidentally drank bleach." First of all, 4? One maybe, but 4? Second, dig how CBS confirms it as a "bleach-sipping" incident. Makes you think of wine tasting contests where they're passing it around. "Does this taste like bleach to you? here, try it."
  • The comment that adults of all shapes and sizes, including psychologists, doctors and so on were around at all times. Ummm…so you *watched* 4 children drink bleach? I mean, ok, the other girl who had grease spatter in her face, that was an unpreventable accident. But somebody tell me how you watch 4 children drink bleach?
  • Parents signed a 22 page waiver that said they wouldn't sue, among other things, "if their child dies."


Explain to me in god's name how you can put such a piece of paper in front of a parent and expect them to sign it?
"Hey Billy, guess what Mommy signed you up for?"

"Karate? Soccer? Computer camp?"

"No, Kid Nation, where if you win mommy will take your $20,000, and by the way, you might die! That's ok, though, Mommy signed the paper, you really have no say in it. Get to work. Oh, shoot, Billy died. Well, I can't do anything about it, I signed a paper and everything. Oh well, I've got other kids. Hey CBS, what else are you working on? How much is the safety of my other children worth?"