[BlogEntry] CNN : Job Losses Worst In Five Years

This is not good.

Makes me glad I decided to dust off that e-book I wrote on Surviving The Layoff.

[BlogEntry] Just what you want to hear from your 5yr old daughter

"Know what we haven't had for dinner in a long time, Mommy?"

"What's that, sweetie?"

"Steak. Can we have steak for dinner tonight?"

That's daddy's girl!

[Comment] Re: American Inventor : Everything Is Going To Be All Right

This thing is going to sell and sell. I want one!!!

[BlogEntry] I Have Completely Misunderstood My Religion, Until Now

Today at church, the 3yr old says, "Daddy, look what they did!" pointing to the main altar.

"What did they do?" I ask.

"They put purple on that girl doing gymnastics!"

I follow the pointing finger to the giant Christ on the cross hanging over the altar, which has been draped in the traditional Easter purple. "That's Jesus," I tell her.

"That's not Jesus," she corrects me, "That's a girl doing gymnastics."

I have completely misunderstood Catholicism, apparently.

[BlogEntry] Scrubs News : ABC? DVD?

Ok, the strike's over, new shows are getting back on the schedule…so where's Scrubs? This is supposed to be the last season, after all. Are we going to get a real series finale?

Well there's all kinds of shenanigans going on that make the story interesting. First, as you may or may not know, the show has always been produced by an ABC company, even though it airs on NBC. Well now it looks like ABC is making moves to take the show back and air it in the fall? That'd be interesting, and it'd be great to get another full year of the show — but what happens to the end of this season?

Also mentioned in the article is creator Bill Lawrence's hint that he will get the final episodes out – even if he has to go striahg to DVD with them. That'd be kind of cool.

[BlogEntry] The Unintentional Question Talker

I don't know if it was Seinfeld or Scrubs who coined the term "question talker" ("Do I think that Scrubs is a good show? Yes I do. Do I want it to go off the air? No I don't.") But there's a variation on that which I hate even more, and that's people who don't think you can have a conversation for more than one sentence without a pause to confirm that the other person is still with you.

*ring* "Hello?"

"Hi, is Duane there?"


"Duane this is Ron, from Sears?"

"Oh, hi, how's it going."

"You special ordered some tires online?"

"…Yes I did."

"Well, they're here?"

And so on. It's that lifting of the pitch at the end of every sentence that makes you just want to punch the person doing it. How hard is it to string three sentences together? "This is Ron from Sears, the tires you ordered online are in." Done!

[BlogEntry] In Praise Of The Monte Cristo

And by that I'm talking about the sandwich. Have you ever had one of these bad boys? Let me explain.

Start with your somewhat basic ham, turkey and swiss sandwich. So far so good, nothing fancy.

But wait! White, wheat or toast, you ask? Wrong – how about making it with slices of french toast? Mmmmmmm.

It gets better. Now just go ahead and deep fry that sucker. I'm not kidding. It's a fried sandwich.

I'm not done.

When serving, sprinkle liberally with powdered sugar. It's a lunch, *and* a dessert.

If your arteries aren't screaming at you yet, go ahead and serve with a side of strawberry preserves for dunking.

This is the kind of sandwich – very rare in my neck of the woods, I know of only two restaurants where you can get one – where you order it and then just tell the waitress "You know what? Just pack up 3/4ths of this for me to take home, because if I eat it all in one sitting, I think I'll die."

Highly recommended. Everything in this sandwich screams of deliciousness. It could only be made better by adding bacon, something that the restaurant this weekend offered to do in their "breakfast" version of the classic sandwich.

[BlogEntry] Why We Watch Game Shows

Just now, on the game show 1-vs-100, a contestant said he "knew for a fact" that Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were married longer than Pam Anderson and Kid Rock…

…and then had to ask the audience for help on whether it was Don, Lyndon, or Andrew Johnson who was the 36th president of the United States.

That is why I watch game shows. Because I would never have imagined that particular combination of intelligence if there hadn't been video to prove it.

[Comment] Re: There what?

You drastically underestimate the speed of my typing.

[Comment] Re: There what?

And then another half hour of your life wasted blogging about it.