Chris Benoit's diary shows just how seriously depressed he was, ever since the death of his friend Eddie Guerrero. He even says things like "I'll see you soon", suggesting that he was considering suicide previous to the night where he took his own life and those of his family.
It also appears as evidence for his growing dementia, as he comments about starting to forget things. His rapidly increasing paranoia was seen and commented on by many people. The example shown includes how he would never take the same route to the airport twice for fear he was being followed. As with so much other evidence it does not justify or excuse what he did. But for those of us that cannot accept that he was a monster, it makes things a little easier to come to terms with. I'm going to keep reporting news like this whenever I find it.[BlogEntry] WWE: Benoit's Diary Shows Depression
September 13th, 2007 — News
[Comment] Re: Blades of Glory
September 13th, 2007 — Uncategorized
AWESOME! if u get th chance, go to the deleted scenes and hit blades of glory song!
(main part of song)
sail across the sky, on the blades of glory, set the fire to the eye, on th blades of glory, todays the first chapter of our, mythic story!… oh yeah n its chazz n jimmy singin. (hot fuzz was awsome 2!)
[Comment] Re: Free Ringtones : What's the Big Deal?
September 13th, 2007 — Uncategorized
Mobicious just launched a new ringtone maker. Totally free… you don't even need an account. They'll take your music upload, you select a 20 second clip, and they message it to your phone.
People, stop paying for ringtones!
[BlogEntry] Free Ringtones : What's the Big Deal?
September 13th, 2007 — Blogging, Family, News, Shakespeare, Technology
Apple has a new feature for the iPhone. See a song on iTunes that you like? Click and turn it into a ringtone! The only problem is that you have to pay 99 cents for the song, and then another 99 cents for the privilege of making it a ringtone. Who is the ad wizard who thought that one up? Or was that one for the "We'll give it a shot and see how many people actually do it before the bad press gets too overwhelming" pile?
Naturally this has started up a flurry of "How to get free ringtones for your iPhone" articles, which in turn has spawned articles for "Get free ringtones even if you don't have an iPhone." Over a year ago I simply got a phone that actually supports MP3 ringtones (a Motorola v360, to be specific). And then it was a simple matter of getting them on the phone. Easy easy. My ringtone is Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 ("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day…") as sung by David Gilmour, of Pink Floyd. The uber-cool thing is that my 5 and 3 yr olds can now both sing that song, referring to it as the song that Daddy's phone sings. I suggested that my 5yr old sing it for her new kindergarten teacher, but then it dawned on me that her teacher would probably have no idea what she was hearing.