[Comment] Re: American Idol : Lyrics to Home, by Chris Daughtry

This song is AMAZiNG !!
i love it
i can KiND of RELATE too it. :]


[BlogEntry] American Idol 3/14 : Who got kicked off?

If you don't always pick the obvious candidate, it's easy to play this game. Sanjaya is safe for another week.

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[Comment] Re: Hey, Free Wii

Yeah, but then I'd die. That's no fun.

[Comment] Re: Hey, Free Wii

The odds of winning are just not very good. You should have entered the "Hold your wee for a Wii" contest instead.

[BlogEntry] Hey, Free Wii

The root of all evil, John Chow is giving away a Nintendo Wii. To enter, all I have to do is write a blog post about it. So here you go.

The contest is sponsored by 1234Pens.com. They make promotional pens.